Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Monster Lives

Well I had just decided earlier tonight not to post every single day. It's not that I don't have enough to say, believe me. I was just thinking that people would get bored reading them on a daily basis.

Then Shannon (thanks, thanks A LOT!) goes and emails that she likes the blog and reads it every morning. I got a couple other nice words of encouragement from others too. So maybe I have created a monster, one that needs to be fed on a regular basis? This is said tongue-in-cheek by the way.

I guess I have mentally committed to posting blogs at least three times a week. A good compromise. Any less and I would lose my loyal following. Any more and I would quickly wear out the weak and the feeble.

I guess the "Joe Dirt" in me is itching to get out.

One last thing. Robin and I watched "Because of Winn Dixie" tonight and we both recommend it. Robin cried. I didn't (I am a man, for Pete's sake).

Ok, one last, last thing. I know everyone just loves my corny jokes. I was thinking of throwing in some free of charge every now and then? What do you say? Here's a sample:

Did you guys hear about the two peanuts walking down the street? One of them was a salted. Get it????

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